
General Questions

  • Q1

    What does SG Mark mean?


    SGは、Safe Goods (安全な製品)を意味しています。SGマークは弊協会が定めたSG基準に製品が適合していると弊協会が認証したことを示しており、「安全と安心の目印」です。SGマーク(ロゴ)は、登録商標です。
    “SG” stands for “Safe Goods.” SG Mark is the proof of “safety and reliability” of the products which are certified by CPSA for their conformity to the applicable SG Standards. SG Mark is a registered trademark.

  • Q2

    What are the merits of purchasing products with the SG Mark?


    The merit is that it is certain that the product is safe and reliable because it is certified by CPSA for its conformity to the applicable SG Standard. It means that the products are safely designed and produced with quality, including adequate displays and instruction manuals. In addition, contacts to the manufacturers or retailers can be easily made. Should an accident happen in Japan during the effective period of the mark by the defect of the product labeled with an SG Mark, CPSA compensates the human loss up to 100 million yen. CPSA responsibly takes care from the investigation of the cause of the accident to the compensation.
    SG Mark Compensation Scheme

  • Q3

    What are the products covered by the SG Mark Certification?


    The SG Standards have been developed for more than one hundred product types for various consumer use. Those which meet SG standards and are certified by CPSA can be labeled with SG Marks. Part of the products can be found on the HP. The SG standards are developed and revised to meet the changing needs of the society, and to reflect the developments of the products and technologies. The SG Mark Certification is non-compulsory, and companies make individual decisions to apply to CPSA for certification. There are retailers, schools, local governments which strongly encourage the use the products labeled with SG Marks.

  • Q4

    How are the products selected to be covered by the SG Certifications?


    Those covered by the SG Mark Certification are products for consumer use which are chosen on requests from consumers, business parties in the manufacturing, retailing and sales, and public sectors including executive branches of the central governments.

  • Q5

    What are the differences between JIS and SG Standards?


    JIS(日本産業規格:Japanese Industrial Standards)は、広範な産業製品や産業活動等を対象に、経済・社会の利便性向上、生産の効率化、公平性確保、安全や健康の保持などを目的として定められたものであり、製品の安全性に特化したものではなく、製品だけとも限りません。JISへの適合性を示すJISマーク制度がありますが、製品の欠陥による賠償措置はありません。
    JIS stands for Japanese Industrial Standards which are established for a wide range of products, services and activities for various purposes such as augmenting economic and social convenience, enhancing production efficiency, ensuring fairness and maintaining safety and health. The coverage of JIS is not specifically focused on product safety and are not limited to the products. On the other hand, the SG Standards are aimed at ensuring the safety and reliability of the products for consumers and to prevent accidents which may endanger people’s life, by necessary safety requirements. SG Standards include the requirements not only for performances but also for displays and instruction manuals. SG Standards try to reduce the risk of the products to the level acceptable in society by the product design, specification of the products and the displays. For the purpose, New and revised SG Standards are deliberated in the committees participated by the representatives of neutral parties such as those from academia, consumers, inspection bodies and the governments and manufacturers, retailers and distributors. SG Marks on products mean that they meet the applicable SG Standards. In addition, they mean that the human loss will be compensated should an accident happen by the defects of the product.

  • Q6

    What are specified by the SG Standards?


    SG standards specify requirements for safety of a product from various aspects including physical performance such as structure, strength, size and stability, and material properties as well as chemical properties, when necessary, in accordance with the ISO Guide 51 (Safety Aspects). They also include requirements for displays and instruction manuals for safe use of the products. SG Standards are developed for specific products.

  • Q7

    How can I know specific details of the SG Standard (Detail Technical Information of the SG Standard) which are not shown on the web?


    CPSA provides the Detail Technical Information of the SG Standards on request. To obtain them, you need to agree on the “Rules for Using the Detail Technical Information of the SG Standard. The reason is to prevent business parties display misleading information on the uncertified products which may suggest the safety and quality of the products are equal to (or superior) to the products labeled with SG Marks. The SG standards are maintained through the cooperation of those involved in the establishment and revision of the standards, as well as the SG Mark usage fees borne by those who use the SG Marks. When manufacturing and selling products developed or safety-verified based on the SG standards, we kindly ask you to make use of the SG mark.
    Please apply to CPSA for specific Detail Technical Information of the SG Standard. The fee is 11,000 yen for the SG Standard and 5,500 yen for the Inspection Manual. From October 1, 2024 the fee is changed to 33,000 yen which includes both the SG Standard and the Inspection Manual. The Information is issued without charge to those who have received SG certification, neutral bodies such as governments, research institutes and consumer bodies.

  • Q8

    I found products appealing that they meet the SG Standards. Are they certified?


    The products which obtained the SG Certification are labeled with the SG Marks. The products without SG Marks are not certified by the SG Mark Scheme and their quality and performance are not certain. Since technical details are not openly disclosed, companies cannot know if their products meet the applicable SG Standards. To obtain the detail technical information of the SG standards, the companies are obligated not to put any display on their products which may suggest that the products are equal to, equivalent or superior to the SG Mark labeled products (such displays are called “confusing displays”). There requirements are intended to avoid confusions with the products with the SG Mark–the proof that they are certified by CPSA. Please inform us when you found a product which had such a confusing display.

  • Q9

    Is it obligatory to indicate the SG Marks?


    SG Mark is not compulsory but is placed importance by educational associations, retailers and others in their procurements as it was established to implement the Consumer Product Safety Act enacted in 1973. SG Mark suggests that the manufacturer or the retailer seriously considers the product safety.

  • Q10

    May I peel off the SG Mark from the product?


    Do not remove the SG Marks, or the SG Compensation may not be applied should an accident happen by the defects of the products. Some products such as helmets for automobiles, baby beds, and pressure-saucepans are obligated to display PSC Mark to show that they meet the national safety standards. SG Standards are equal to or more rigorous than PSC Standards, and usually, both SG Mark and PSC Mark are displayed together on a label for such products. So, if you remove the SG Mark from the product you also remove the legally mandated PSC Marks by the Product Safety Law.

  • Q11

    What is the effective period of SG Mark?


    Products may degrade over time whether they are used or not. The effective periods of the SG Mark are set specifically to the products considering their degradation over time. Please avoid using a product and purchase a new one if the effective period is over. The SG Mark Compensation Scheme covers only the accidents which happen during the effective period.

  • Q12

    Does SG Mark Compensation apply to an SG-Mark labeled product purchased in a foreign country?


    The SG Mark Compensation Scheme does not exclude SG Mark-labeled products which are purchased in foreign countries. However, it covers only the accidents happened in the country of Japan. As stated above, it covers only the accidents which happened during the effective period of the SG Mark. Whether the product had been appropriately used is an essential point of confirmation in the examination of the cause of the accident. The SG Compensation may not apply if the user of the product did not read the instruction manual.

  • Q13

    How can I use the logo of SG Mark on the company pamphlet, catalogue, or textbook?


    Please contact CPSA for permission of using the SG Mark logos. The SG Mark is a registered trademark and must not be used without permission. Any kind of use of the logo without permission may be regarded as infringement of the rights of trademark. When the logo is used, the products certified by the SG Mark Scheme and those which are not must be clearly distinguished to avoid confusions.

  • Q14

    How can I know the number of products labeled with SG Marks?


    The date on the numbers of SG marks by product is released quarterly. Please see the link below.

  • Q15

    What is the meaning of “suspended items” on the list of SG Standards?


    Those are the products which certification is suspended because the use SG Marks is almost nil or applications for SG Mark certification have not been made for several years. CPSA examines whether certification can be resumed with the existing SG Standard if it receives a request to use the SG Marks on the suspended items.

  • Q16

    Is CPSA tax exempt or not under the “Invoice”?


    協会は課税事業者に該当します。登録番号は「T1 0105 0500 2118」です。
    CPSA is a taxed boy under the “Invoice”. The registration number is “T 1 0105 0500 2118”.

Questions on the Products covered by the SG Certification

  • Q1

    How can I find products with the SG Mark?


    On a CPSA website, there is a page which introduces SG Mark products by manufacturers. If the product you are looking for is not listed, we apologize for the inconvenience but ask that you check for SG mark products at retailers or online and contact the manufacturer or retailer for further information.

  • Q2

    What are the differences of pots and pans labeled with and without SG Marks?


    Pots and pans with the SG Mark are designed to receive the heat from the IH stoves safely and effectively. They can be used for a long period of time as their bottoms are less prone to deformation. The products without SG Marks may not heat properly, cook unevenly due to partial distribution of heat, or, in the worst case, may catch fire.

  • Q3

    What are the differences between bicycles labeled with SG Marks and BAA Marks?


    Both SG and BAA Marks set safety standards based on the related JIS (Japan Industrial Standard). BAA Mark Scheme is a self-certification with each manufacturer verifies compliance to the BAA standards for and affix the BAA Marks. On the other hand, the SG Marks can be labeled only on the products certified by the third-party and the products must be tested by the independent inspection bodies designated by CPSA. In addition, the SG Mark Compensation is available when an accident should happen due to the failure of the product.

  • Q4

    What is a “low temperature burn”?


    低温やけどとは、心地よく感じる程度の(風呂の湯温より少し熱い)温度でも、皮膚の同じ部分が長時間熱せられることで発生するやけどで、皮膚から深いところまで広がり重度の症状となるリスクがあります。ゆたんぽの場合は、布団が温まったらゆたんぽを取り出すなど、十分に注意して使用してください。詳しくは、「低温やけどに注意」のチラシをご参照ください。低温やけどについての文献「低温やけどについて(製品と安全第72号 山田幸生)」はコチラです。
    A low-temperature burn is a type of burn that can occur even at temperatures that feel comfortably warm (slightly higher than bath water temperature) if the same part of the skin is exposed to heat for a long time. Such burns can spread deep into the skin and carry a risk of becoming severe. When using a hot water bottle, it is important to remove it from under the blankets once the bed is sufficiently warm, to avoid such injuries. For more details, please refer to the flyer titled “Beware of Low-temperature Burns.” For literature on low-temperature burns, refer to “About Low-temperature Burns (Product and Safety, Issue No. 72 by Yukio Yamada).”

  • Q5

    Why should we choose a helmet labeled with an SG Mark?


    SGマークは、SG基準が求める安全性能を満たしていることを製品安全協会が認めている製品に付いています。 SGマーク付きヘルメットは日本人の頭の形にあった製品となっており、一つ一つの製品ごとに一番弱そうなところで試験をしています。また、SGマークの付いた製品は、本体への注意表示や取扱説明書も完備しています。事業者が行うべき安全対策を網羅しています。
    The SG mark indicates that a product has been recognized by CPSA as meeting the safety performance required by the SG standard. Helmets with the SG mark are designed to fit the body shape of the heads of the Japanese and are tested at what appears to be their weakest point. Additionally, products with the SG mark come with caution labels on the body and comprehensive instruction manuals, covering the safety measures that should be taken by the users.
    Numerous inferior products are found primarily in online shops that can barely protect the heads. The government encourages the wearing of certified products, such as those with the SG mark (*). Please choose products that can adequately protect your head. The SG mark is your guide to reliability.
    Products with the CE marks meet European safety standards and are designed according to the body shape of the Europeans heads. A CE mark is a declaration of conformity by the manufacturer/retailer, so it’s important to confirm that it is trustable. For bicycle helmets, the CE marks should indicate conformity with the EN1078 standard. However, there are a number of instances that products conforming to EN812 are marketed as bicycle helmets. EN812 is a standard for industrial bump caps, which protection is significantly less than bicycle helmets. Selling EN812 compliant products as bicycle helmets may violate the Consumer Contract Act due to false representation and could be considered misleading display under the Fair Trading Act. Additionally, in the event of an accident leading to injury or damage, the seller’s liability may be called into question.
    Even if a product complies with EN1078, please be aware that the absence of appropriate labeling on the product or instructions in Japanese could be considered a product defect.

  • Q6

    Is it acceptable to wear a helmet for bicycle when I ride an electric scooter?


    When riding an electric scooter that falls under the category of “Specific Small Motorized Bicycles” (with a maximum speed of 20 km/h or less, rated output of 0.6 kW or less, length of 1.9 m or less, and width of 0.6 m or less), efforts must be made to wear a helmet designed for riding (either motorcycles or bicycles). You can wear a bicycle helmet. It is recommended to wear products with the SG mark.
    However, for electric scooters that do not fall under the category of “Specific Small Motorized Bicycles”, or, considered “General Motorized Bicycles,” it is mandatory by law to wear a motorcycle helmet. Wearing a bicycle helmet is not acceptable.

  • Q7

    Is it acceptable to wear a helmet for industrial use when I ride a bicycle?


    No, it isn’t. You cannot substitute an industrial helmet for a bicycle helmet. Industrial helmets are designed primally to protect against objects falling from above while bicycle helmets are designed to mitigate the impact when the head hits the ground or the rim of the guardrails during a fall, meaning their designs are different. When riding a bicycle, please wear a bicycle helmet with the SG mark.

  • Q8

    The adult bicycle helmet is too loose for me and doesn’t fit well. Is it okay to use a child’s helmet instead?


    Yes, it is. It’s very important that a bicycle helmet fits the head properly to provide protection. If adult helmets do not fit well and a child’s helmet does fit, then please use a child’s helmet with the SG mark.

Questions on the SG Mark Certification Scheme

  • Q1

    What are the products covered by the SG Mark Certification? How can we know if our products are covered by the SG Mark Certification?


    Please enter the CPSA Homepage and check the “SG Standards” on the bar menu.

  • Q2

    How can we display SG Marks on the products which are currently not covered by the SG Mark Certification?


    It is not possible to label SG Marks on the products which are not covered by the SG Mark Certification. CPSA tries to adapt the SG Mark Certification to changing social needs, technological development and the evolvement of the products, so please let us know what product you want a new SG Standard or revisions of the existing standards.

  • Q3

    How can I label SG Marks on the products?


    There are two ways to obtain SG Mark Certification. One is the “Registration of Factory and Certification of Model Products” and another is the “Certification of the products by testing the samples in a “lot”. The procedures can be found in the link below.
    Guidance for SG Mark Certification

  • Q4

    How much do I have to pay to obtain SG Mark certification and label SG Marks on the products?


    Please read the “Guidance for Certification” and the “Fees for Certification”In case of the Registration of a Factory and the Certification of Model Product, you need pay for registration, confirmation and/or renewal of registration of a factory (inspection fee, travel expenses and others) and the cost for obtaining Certification of Model Product (application fee plus testing fee of the product). In case of “Certification of the Products in a Lot”, you need to pay for application fee and testing fee for the product. When the products are continuously or intermittently produced for a certain period of time, the Registration of a Factory and the Certification of Model Product may be an economic option. In both cases, the costs for testing of a product differ by product as shown in the “Details of Certification” of a specific product.

  • Q5

    How long does it take to obtain SG Mark Certification?


    Usually, it takes half a year to register a plant or a factory and a month or two to issue certification of the products in a “lot”. However, various factors affect the time required to obtain SG Mark Certification. They include, for example, the choice of product, quality dispersion and the situations of the quality control systems in the factory and waiting time for testing the products by the inspection body. Please refer to the “Details of Certification” for further information.

  • Q6

    How can I obtain documents or forms to apply for SG Mark certification?


    Online site | 製品安全協会CPSA (sg-mark.org)
    Please apply to CPSA on the Web as you can make almost all applications related to certification online. Online applications are easier, faster and cause much fewer mistakes than paper applications. Paper applications can be accepted but with the handling fee of 10,000 yen plus tax for “each item” of application. For example, the applicant must pay 30,000 yen plus tax if the paper application document it submits includes three items.

  • Q7

    Is it possible to label SG Marks on the products for export?


    協会が認証した製品であれば表示は可能です。ただし、日本国外に出荷する製品についても表示や取扱説明書には日本語の記載もしていただくことが必要です。なお、SG基準に定める表示や取扱説明書の記載事項が日本語で適切にされていない場合は、SG基準不適合品となるばかりか、事故の原因にもなりかねません 。また、日本国外で発生した事故についてはSGマーク賠償制度の対象とはなりません。他方で、当初海外で販売・使用されていたSGマーク付き製品が日本国内に持ち込まれ、日本国内で事故が発生し、その事故が製品の欠陥によるものと判断できSGマークの有効期限内であればSGマーク賠償制度でカバーされます。
    It is possible to label SG Marks on the products if they are certified by CPSA. Please note it is necessary to include the displays and the instruction manuals in Japanese which meet the applicable SG Standards, or the products are not regarded to meet the SG Standards. The accidents which happened outside of Japan are not covered by the SG Mark Compensation. On the other hand, the accidents which happen in Japan by using products with the SG Mark obtained or had been used outside of Japan can be covered by the SG Mark Compensation if the accidents can be recognized to have been caused by the defect of the products during the period that the SG Marks are effective.

  • Q8

    Are there certificates to prove that the products meet the applicable SG Standards?


    CPSA issues the Certificate of Model Products to the registered factories or plants if their products are confirmed meeting the applicable SG Standards, and the Certificate of Certification of Products in a “lot” when the products in the lot are confirmed meeting the applicable SG Standards.

  • Q9

    What is the Inspection for Confirmation?


    “Inspection for Confirmation” is conducted three years after the registration or renewal of the registration of a factory or a plant to confirm that the factory or the plant maintains ability to stably manufacture products conforming to the applicable SG Standard and to appropriately display SG Marks on the certified products. The inspections are conducted in a way to minimize the burden to the certification holder by curtailing part of items for inspection based on rational considerations case by case. When no particular problems are expected, the inspection will be conducted by examination of the documents. The documents which are asked for submission include the lists of manufacturing and testing facilities and equipment, the records of maintenance of the facilities and equipment, the records of testing the products, parts and the materials, quality control system of the factory or the plant and the relevant company standards. When problems are found or likely, on-site inspection may take place. Please read the Guidance for SG Mark Certification for details.
    Guidance for SG Mark Certification

  • Q10

    What is the “Inspection for Renewal of Registration?”


    When the certification holder wishes to retain registration six years after it obtained registration of a factory or a plant, the certification holder needs to take “Inspection for Renewal of Registration.” The inspections are conducted in a way to minimize the burden to the certification holder by curtailing part of items for inspection based on rational considerations case by case. When no particular problems are found in the “Inspection for Renewal of Registration”, the certification holder receives renewal of registration and can continue using the applicable SG Marks.
    Guidance for SG Mark Certification

  • Q11

    The Rules for Using SG Marks require keeping daily records of the numbers of SG Marks used, but may I keep the record of using SG Marks monthly?


    You can report to CPSA monthly but are required to keep the daily records. It is because the products which must not be shipped or pulled out from the market can be narrowed down by keeping the daily records, when they are found not confirming the standards or are likely to have a defect.

  • Q12

    工場登録審査において、 品質が安定していることを確認するために6か月程度要するとのことですが、申請から認証までに半年も時間がかかるということでしょうか?
    CPSA Rules of Business says that CPSA may examine the quality of the products for some six months. Does this mean that it takes at least half a year to receive certification after filing the application?


    The objective is to confirm that the quality control system in a factory or a plant is effective and stable. Therefore, it does not follow that the examination of the quality control performance for six months is always necessary. In case it is found necessary to monitor the performance for a while, the applicant can apply for the Certification of the Products in a “lot” as a transitional measure.

  • Q13

    工場登録審査において、 既に品質管理に関して関連するJIS或いはISOの認証を受けている場合は簡素な審査になるということですが、書類審査で足りるということですか?
    It is said that the inspection will be simplified when a factory or a plant is certified by JIS or ISO. Does it mean that only examination of documents is sufficient for the inspection?


    The inspection will be simplified for examination of quality control if the factory or the plant is certified by JIS or ISO, however, it is necessary to confirm that the factory or the plant has necessary facilities and equipment for manufacturing and testing the products. Please read the Form B of the questionnaire for factory inspection.

  • Q14

    What the manufacturer, the retailer or the distributor should do when a defect is found on the products with the SG Mark?


    CPSA takes care of the investigation of the cause of the accident and compensates the human loss if the accident is found to be caused by the defect of the product. The manufacturer, the retailer, or distributor may take its own view on the cause of the accident. However, appropriate measures such as sending warnings and collection/exchange of the products, depending on the seriousness, to prevent similar accidents must be taken by the parties which obtained certification. CPSA may claim for the compensation to the certified party for refund if CPSA made compensation for an accident caused by the defect of a product due to serious negligence of the certified party such as labeling SG Marks on the uncertified products, or absence of taking appropriate actions to prevent the accidents when safety problems are found.

  • Q15



    CPSA sincerely responds to the injurer, however, the injurer may not be satisfied with the decision of CPSA due to the difference in view on the cause of the accident or the necessity of specific payments. The injurer may sue the manufacturer, the retailer, the distributor or rental business for compensation. In such a case, CPSA covers the cost of attorney’s fee which is considered reasonable. When the case is settled, CPSA covers the part of compensation which is based with evidence such as medical certificate and the receipt, to the extent which is considered reasonable.

  • Q16

    What are the situations in the SG Compensation that the certified party is requested to refund by CPSA?


    Requests for refund of SG Compensation are made only in the cases of serious unjustifiable conducts or negligence on the side of the certified parties. As long as the certified parties use the SG Marks appropriately, such request will not be made. For example, if an accident should happen in using an uncertified product but labeled with an SG Mark, CPSA may compensate the human loss if the accident was found to have been caused by the failure of the product. In such a case, CPSA requests the manufacturer or the retailer of the product for refund since it is liable for the accident and has to cover the cost. CPSA requests the manufacturer or the retailers for refund when appropriate actions to avoid accidents were not taken by them for the certified products which were found to have safety problems.

  • Q17

    Is an accident happened by a product with the SG Mark rent by a business entity to a user covered by the “SG Mark Compensation”?


    The accident caused by a product with the SG-Mark can be covered by the “SG Mark Compensation” if the accident was considered to have been caused by the defect of the product and if it happened within the period that the SG-Mark is effective. However, any business entity which rend products to others owe a responsibility to manage the safety of the products. If the absence of appropriate instruction or improper safety management of the products is recognized as a major cause of the accident, the business entity may need to compensate the loss of the user. In such a case, the business entity may be requested to refund its share of responsibility when SG Mark Compensation was made. The business entity owes heavier responsibility for the conducts such as poor safety checks or using the products despite noticing the safety problems.

  • Q18

    What actions are taken when a safety problem was found in certified products?


    Even when certified by CPSA, appropriate actions must to be taken, together with notification to CPSA, to avoid accidents due to the safety problem found on the products. The products should not be sold if safety problems are found despite certified. Certification may be cancelled if it is considered necessary. The certified party has to investigate the cause of the problem and report to CPSA. CPSA closely studies the case and makes revision of the SG Standard if necessary. Please note that the certification will be suspended and/or new certification cannot be granted unless the cause of the problem is adequately addressed.

  • Q19

    In what situations is a penalty charged?


    Penalty will be charged only on serious violations of the Rules for Using the SG Marks and the Rules for Using the Detail Technical Information of SG Marks. The examples include the cases when the indications disguise that the uncertified products are equal, equivalent or superior to the certified products, and false reports are made to disguise that a factory or a plant meets the requirements of the applicable SG Standard, the inspection manual and the details for certification. In such cases, the violations may be published, and the certification may be cancelled. When the certification is cancelled, the SG Marks must be returned to CPSA. CPSA does not refund for any payment for certification that the licensee has spent including the payments for the SG Marks.

  • Q20

    What are the major merits for a business party which produces or sells products with the SG Mark?


    Business party needs to take extensive responsibilities on the products it produces or sells. It has to consider broad range of risks associate with the use of a product including possible misuses. It has to reduce the risks of the product to the level which is acceptable to the society. However, the measures have to be designed specifically to each product and they do not stay as the product evolves, the technology develops, and the society changes. Therefore, it is very challenging for a company to address product safety only with its own efforts.
    It can keep reducing the risk of its product to the level acceptable in the society by using the SG Mark Certification, since the SG Standards are developed and revised in the committees with participation of academic experts, consumer representatives and testing institutes, and therefore, give guidance to reducing the risks of the products to the level acceptable to the society. In addition, SG Mark ensures the quality of the products. It is also important that the manufacturers or retailers can be easily approached.
    To use SG Mark certification as a corporate policy, the company can demonstrate to the market and the consumers that it is committed to product safety.

  • Q21

    Who can apply for the SG Mark Certification?


    Anyone who manufactures, imports, or sells the products covered by the applicable SG Standards are qualified to apply for the SG Mark certification.